COVID secure Chaplaincy Chatroom
Despite the restrictions imposed by the second coronavirus lockdown we have been able to go ahead with our plans for starting a Chaplaincy Chatroom, albeit with some changes to the original plans.
Each Thursday between 1.30 - 3.30pm, Revd Janice and/or Revd Nicki will sit outside the front of Sedbury Space and welcome anyone in need of support, whether it be a listening ear, the offering of a prayer for themselves or someone they love, or signposting to other agencies to address practical needs. A private space is also available for conversation and prayer by using the centre's public garden area at the rear of the property, where the chaplains can offer one-to-one support.
Once the lockdown restrictions are ended at the beginning of December, the centre will be open inside as well and the small side room will be set up as a prayer space with creative interactive displays for people to use for private prayer and reflection. The chaplains will also be glad to welcome people who would like to discuss questions about life and faith and to engage in spiritual conversations.
For more information contact Revd Janice Hamilton 07749 130323 or Revd Nicki Bullivant 07922 833835
Posted on the 10th November 2020 at 2:09pm.